Yoga Nidra (or yogic sleep) is a powerful relaxation technique. It can be as restorative as sleep while you remain fully conscious. It down-regulates your sympathetic nervous system (fight-fight response), and actives the rest and repair, restore and recover processes of the parasympathetic nervous system. 

Yoga Nidra focuses on the systematic relaxation of the body while the mind enters a deep restful awareness. It follows the following basic sequence: Get comfortable, set an intention, relax the body systematically, take a guided journey, repeat your intention, return to your wakeful awareness.

 There are numerous benefits to Yoga Nidra. Here are

1.     Improves sleeps and reduces insomnia

2.     Immerses you in a restful state

3.     Detaches you from your thoughts

4.     Release tension and pain

5.     Connects you with yourself

Lay down. Cover up. Get comfortable.  And journey into deep relaxation. 

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